TestimonialsLina Logvin Yoga and Wellness is an excellent resource for yoga . Lina is passionate about yoga, and inspires the same in her students ....
Youtube lessons for freeIf you want to do yoga at home and you don't have time for online and live classes, I invite you to follow my YouTube lessons. Lesson 1...
FAQ’s about Yoga1. What yoga style should I practice? There are many forms of yoga. Choosing a style that best suits your interests will depend on many...
An incredible transformation of Romena Have you ever wondered what is the secret map to find the treasures of love, beauty and harmony? Yoga teaches that these treasures have...
Types of Yoga ClassesActive yoga is a practice based on hatha (classical) yoga postures for physical and mental practice with inspiring music to keep...
About MeYOGA has been my faithful companion since my mother inspired me to try yoga's benefits for my spinal problems eleven years ago. From my...